I've Never Told this to Anybody Before / Finding Nick Ayer
16mm film & iPhone (6.55 mins)
A speculative story about an enigmatic reel of 16mm film shot in New York in the 1980’s, found in the UK in 2015. Using queues from the silent, black and white footage, an amateur and apologetic investigation into the original filmmaker is played out. A film about the act of looking, storytelling and gleaning information from fragments of another life.
Film Still, I’ve Never Told this to Anybody Before / Finding Nick Ayer
Film and text by Tilly Shiner
Voice Over by Scott Lyman
Woman Mars
16mm Footage by Nick Ayer
iPhone Footage by Scott Lyman
I've never told this to anybody before/ Finding Nick Ayer. Installation view of JUICE at ACME project space (2015)
I've never told this to anybody before/ Finding Nick Ayer, Installation view: Chelmsford, Radio Still Loves You (2015)
P-a-r-a-/-/-e/l Screening 2017